Course curriculum

  • 1

    Getting Started

    • Course Introduction

    • Course Objectives

    • Workbook

  • 2

    1-The Importance of Culture

    • Introduction to Culture

    • Why Culture is Important

    • Myths About Culture

  • 3

    2-Creating Clarity

    • Introduction to Clarity

    • Building Blocks

    • Big Ticket Items

    • Strategies and Examples for Clarity

    • The Key to Clarity

    • First Steps to Create Clarity

    • Wrap-up

  • 4

    3-Establishing Consistency

    • Introduction to Consistency

    • Where to be Consistent

    • Consistency and Change

    • Strategies and Examples for Consistency

    • The Key to Consistency

    • First Steps to Establish Consistency

    • Wrap-up

  • 5

    4-Adding Celebration

    • Introduction to Celebration

    • How and What to Celebrate

    • Strategies and Examples for Celebration

    • The Key to Celebration

    • First Steps to Add Celebration

    • Wrap-up

  • 6

    5-Having Charity

    • Introduction to Charity

    • How to Develop Charity

    • Charity and Accountability

    • Charity in the Model

    • Strategies and Examples for Charity

    • The Key to Charity

    • First Steps to Improve Charity

    • Wrap-up

  • 7

    6-Putting it all Together

    • Review the Model

    • Introduction to The Four C’s Test

    • Outcomes and an Outline

    • Wrap-up

    • For More Information.....