This course has helped leaders:

  • Effectively manage strong personalities

  • Retain their best talent without having to convince them to stay with a pay raise

  • Substantially improve results without spending a lot of resources

  • Consistently wow their customers

  • Resolve tensions between co-workers

  • Attract good talent without wasting a lot of time

Let’s be honest, being a leader has its challenges. There are so many things you are responsible for, like the motivation and performance of your team, setting and reaching goals, producing results, and so much more.

Maybe you can’t find the right people, or your team just isn’t getting along. Projects aren’t getting done because someone is always dropping the ball. Morale is low, and so are your numbers. 

When it feels like the odds are stacked against you; like you’re swimming against the tide; like you don’t have much control over your situation...

Take a breath.

Imagine what it would feel like to truly be successful: 

 To have all the tools you need to crush it at your job.

✓ To be able to attract and retain the best people to work with you.

✓ To produce good and consistent results for your organization.

✓ To reach your goals and exceed your customer’s expectations.

To have a truly amazing team and enjoy going to work.

All this is not some wild dream. You CAN have it. 

By building a strong culture in your workplace, you can inspire others and achieve leadership excellence.

This course will show you exactly how to do that.

Get the step-by-step road map to building an amazing company culture proven to produce results.

Culture is a word you hear all the time when it comes to the workplace. But it can be a vague and nebulous term. While many will say that you need to have “it”, not many can tell you how to do it. 

That’s why this course, 90-Days to a High-Performing Culture, was created! Our goal is to show you what's truly important in building an amazing company culture, and then give you the tools you need to be confident, produce results and make a difference as a leader.

Created and hosted by Tim Burningham, experienced leader and bestselling author, this course presents a straightforward process that will help you apply strategies and tactics to create an exceptional culture in your organization. Having a strong culture in place means you will be able to attract and retain top talent, reach your goals, and produce results. 

With this course, you will learn: 

✓ What matters most in building a strong culture and leading effectively

✓ How to apply simple strategies and tactics to build a high-performing  culture 

✓ How to attract and retain top talent

✓ How to impress your customers and improve your organization’s financial outcomes

What You’ll Discover in the Course

  • Module 1

    The Importance of Culture

    Understand how culture can improve your organization’s results.

  • Module 2

    Creating Clarity

    Achieve clarity throughout your organization and grasp its impact.

  • Module 3

    Establishing Consistency

    Recognize the importance of consistency and maintain consistency even through organizational changes.

  • Module 4

    Adding Celebration

    Realize the significance of celebration and how to most effectively add celebration to your organization’s culture.

  • Module 5

    Having Charity

    Appreciate the value of charity and its role within your organization.

  • Module 6

    Putting it All Together

    Combine the 4 Cs to create a high-performing company culture.


In addition to six modules of simple, no-fluff video lessons, you’ll get a 66-page workbook with value-packed leadership training, tools, strategies, and case studies to help put what you’ve learned into action.

Who this course is for

90 Days to a High-Performing Company Culture is for anyone who is looking to overcome the daily obstacles of leadership and make their team and organization soar.

  • If you are a leader looking to increase your results and your team’s performance...

  • If you manage people and you’re struggling to attract, retain, and engage top talent...

  • If you are a CEO or C-Suite Executive and you are noticing problems with teamwork, a lack of results, and poor performance in your organization...

  • Then this course is for you. It has everything you need to build an incredible company culture at a fraction of what it costs using other programs or consulting.


By Steve B.

“Hiring The Center For Company Culture was a great decision! They were instrumental in helping us move our company forward.”


By Victor S.

“If I could summarize your workshop with one word it would be: Amazing. It provided practical help on how we could work on implementing a strong culture in our organization. “


By Britt B.

“Tim is a brilliant lecturer! The class loved learning from a transformational leader! Thanks for sharing your passion and expertise.”

About Tim Burningham

Tim Burningham is an experienced leader and former CEO in the health care industry. He and the organizations he’s led have received multiple awards for outstanding performance including being recognized as a top 100 Health Care Center by U.S. News and World Report. Tim has created high-performing company cultures everywhere he’s worked, which has led to remarkable results. 

Currently, Tim is President of The Center for Company Culture, a management consulting firm committed to helping organizations and leaders build cohesive teams and create amazing company cultures. Tim’s practical and straightforward approach has assisted leaders and organizations across the country to improve performance and love what they do. 

Tim is a sought-after speaker, guest lecturer, consultant, and executive coach. He is the author of several books including Be an Awesome Boss!: The Four C’s Model to Leadership Success, How Leaders Can Strengthen Their Organization’s Culture, and The Wisdom Story: How to Create a High-Performing Culture and Transform Results (coming in Fall of 2020). Tim is also the host of The Culture Guide Podcast—a podcast dedicated to helping leaders create extraordinary company cultures.   

Tim lives with his wife and five children in the Houston area.